there were a few environmental issues [like 12 inches of snow in Denver] that dragged out the time it took to get to Thailand. but there are some other things going on that travelers, tourists and anyone who flies in the area should know.
the FAA [United States Federal Aviation Authority] has down graded the safety level of Thai Airways for 'failure to meet minimum international standards' - this doesn't come as a surprise to anyone because it's a decision that is made after multiple warnings have been issued to the carrier that they are being 'red flagged'.
why did this happen? i have very fond memories of my first trip on Thai Airways to Bangkok in 2003 where i flew first class and was treated like a princess. Thai Airways is the major carrier in and out of Bangkok and is a state-controlled company that the military government targeted for reform after seizing control in May of 2014. well, they've reformed it. now they can't fly into the US.
why do i care? i like United Airlines. i have a ton of miles on United and because of that they treat me well. Thai Airlines has been part of the United partner alliance but they are pulling away from them because of the downgrade. so basically my airline of choice has turned off the pipeline of flights to Asia.
add that to the problems with other regional carriers like Air Asia and Malaysia Airlines and what was once an easy affordable region to fly around has now become a big roll of the dice. i can only suggest you take a Luk Thep [ that's my next post].
Bangkok Airways which is the domestic carrier in Thailand is getting a special post because they deserve special recognition as the AIRLINE WITH THE WORST SERVICE.