October 10, 2017

documenting my baggage

i have learned that it's helpful in the case of misplaced, lost or stolen baggage to keep a photo.  i've been known to photograph everything going into luggage or a package to document what is inside - haha or even photograph luggage at the check in counter conveyor belt.  when i left Tanzania it was chaotic [like most things there] and i didn't document exactly what was in my bag so when one didn't make it i could barely remember which bag had what.  it was a mess.  after cursing the Africans for stealing my luggage Emirates Air did a fantastic job of finding and returning said luggage.  so here's a photo on my way to the airport.  just my new[ish] duffel, my old backpack and trusty water bottle.  the box is aid i'm taking for a friend's clinic.

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